Monday, October 31, 2005

Are you in the 7 percent?

From the (subscription only) Roll Call:

"there is no evidence that a new partisan realignment is under way, and partly because districts are so gerrymandered that only 30 [. . .] out of 435 [Congressional districts] are competitive."

This is just sad. That is about 7 percent. Seven percent of the people in the United States have a real chance of electing the person that represents them the best, Republican or Democrat. The way it's set up, it's all along the two-party lines. This is sad for both Democrats and Republicans. Make all the districts 50/50 and whoever appeals to more people, wins, whether they have an (R) or a (D) after their name. It's not like Republicans are the only ones that do this. Cook County is gerrymandered in the same way to benefit Democrats.


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