Thursday, October 20, 2005

Where did you say you wanted this fence?


According to the 9/11 Commission, none of the 9/11 hijackers entered the United States by crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, and all of them had visas. The first hijacker flew in through LAX on 1/25/00. All others entered through 8 airports on the East Coast.
By virtue of having a visa, it means you are legal, not illegal. Our government gave them a visa. Airports, not the Mexican border, was where they came from. And legally, to boot. There are seven Muslim countries: Afghanistan, Indonesia, Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, Sudan and Syria, that are listed as being countries of "special interest." Lots individuals from these seven countries were caught coming across the Mexican border, including other Muslim countries. A very small portion of non-Mexicans caught crossing the border were from these seven nations, the other non-Mexicans were from other Central American countries (i.e. Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras).

The Border Patrol reported capturing a total of 946 persons from the seven nations attempting to enter illegally. However, only 320 of those were caught at the Mexican border. Nearly twice as many were caught coming in from Canada and other points.
If the purpose is to stop Muslim terrorists from entering the United states, says FactCheck, there is:

a better case for building a fence at the Canadian border than . . . at the Mexican border.


At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in favor of keeping illegal aliens out of the US. It is a matter of safety for American citizens that we know who is here and try to manage that. Obviously, it won't prevent any and all crimes by foreigners (i.e. 9/11 hijackers with visas) but it can't be argued that we are better off with no border control.

At 4:56 PM, Blogger sanskritg said...

Commendable Republican twisting. There was no suggestion of "no border control." Just that if the real purpose is to keep out terrorists, then the fence should go between us and Canada. If that's the real purpose (as alleged by the group financing the ads).

Undocumented immigrants are in this country because we need them. Citizens would not do the same work that they do. Employers have to hire someone to do the job.

If you were the boss, and your choice was hiring cheap, without having to pay for healthcare, 401(k), vacation, or even minimum wage, of COURSE you would.

Even if we got rid of all the undocumented immigrants tomorrow, our economy would stop. Who the hell is flipping that burger and frying those fries? Do you want that job? Hell, no, and neither does any other citizen.

At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right about the cheap labor, however, the minimum wage is a whole other issue that needs to be done away with in the US. The next thing you know, dems will begin trying to force minimum wage, benefits, etc. even for illegal aliens who have no right to be in the US.


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