Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Department of Peace

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Sen. Mark Dayton (D-MN) introduced legislation (awhile back) to create a Cabinet-level department of the federal government, dubbed the Department of Peace. I don't know the viability of the idea, but the proposed responsibilities of the department would include:

  • Monitoring of all domestic arms production, including non-military arms, conventional military arms, and of weapons of mass destruction,
  • Making regular recommendations to the US President for various arms reductions strategies,
  • Assumption of a more pro-active level of involvement in the establishment of international dialogues for international conflict resolution (as a cabinet level department),
  • Establishment of a US Peace Academy, which amongst other things would train international peace-keepers,
  • Development of an educational media program to promote non-violence in the domestic media,
  • Monitoring of Human Rights, both domestically and abroad,
  • Making regular recommendations to the President for the maintenance and improvement of these Human Rights,
  • Receiving a timely mandatory advance consultation from the Secretaries of State, and of Defense, prior to any engagement of US troops in any armed conflict with any other nation,
  • Establishment of a national Peace Day,
  • Participation by the Secretary of Peace as a member of the National Security Council,
  • Expansion of the national Sister City program,
  • Significant expansion of current Institute of Peace program involvement in educational affairs, in areas such as:
  1. Drug rehabilitation,
  2. Policy reviews concerning crime prevention, punishment and rehabilitation,
  3. Implementation of violence prevention counseling programs and peer mediation programs in schools,
  • Also Making recommendations regarding:
  1. Battered women's rights,
  2. Animal rights,
  • Various other peace related areas of responsibility.


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