Who's pro-military again??
From Congressional Quarterly:
On March 16, 2005, Rep. Hooley, D-OR introduced a motion to recommit a supplemental appropriations bill to the Appropriations Committee with instructions to add language that would increase funding for military health care by $100 million and for transitional job training for military personnel by $50 million.
Republicans voted against the motion 2-226. Democrats supported increasing funding for military personnel, by a vote of 197-3. Every Southern Democrat voted for the motion, 51-0.
How do Republicans get away with saying they're pro-military and pro-family? This isn't an isolated incidence. I'm seeing it every day at work.
The Democrats introduce something to help people, that if people knew, they'd be all about it. The Republicans kill it, and then walk out saying that they're for whatever the legislation was trying to promote. I'm disliking Republican leadership more and more after I see which way they actually vote.
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