Sunday, May 08, 2005

Civil War

A comment on Daily Kos alluded to a coming fight that right-wing religious extremism presents. The poster hinted that the next Civil War in the United States could be whether the guiding document of governance be the Constitution or the Holy Bible. And that there would be no compromise on either side. The idea of there not being compromise is what ultimately led to the last Civil War. Slave owners not only wanted slavery to be legal, they were opposed to anyone else saying the opposite.

Right-wing Christians believe they are being oppressed and picked on. They want to worship God in the way that is right and protect their ability to do so. The Constitution protects this right. It also protects people who don't want to do this. Going to church will soon be equated with conservatism, evangelicism, and support of a theocracy. Heck, even going to church and voting differently will result in excommunication.


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